Dear Dennis Letters

B.I.L.Y. Founder Dennis Poncher Answers Readers' EMail Questions

woman typing at a computer

Dennis loves to hear from both parents and youth and tries to answer every email he receives. You are welcome to ask him a question HERE.

Dear Dennis:

Sussex County is plagued with heroine addictions! There really is no help available to the addicts or parents. We're losing our kids!

I tried a family/parent Anon group which was one hour away, but that didn't work for me. It felt more like a hopeless group. WE NEED B.I.L.Y. I...

Dear Dennis:

I would like information regarding how to start a support group using the B.I.L.Y. techniques for parents and youth in my area. I currently live in Northern California near Eureka. — Mona

Hi Mona:

Please click here on the Start A Group link of our website. Be sure to email...

Dear Dennis:

How can I get information about starting a parent support group in my area? I believe that it is something that is needed. I would love to have copies of your parent contracts for teens and some general information. I want to make a difference in the area here. Please help me if y...

Dear Dennis:

I need some information on starting up a new support group in my city. I live in Karachi, Pakistan. There is a huge need for the parents living here to be able to share their stress and deal with it accordingly. I will appreciate if you could guide me. Regards. — Faiza

Dear Faiza...

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